antique cupboard |
I worked on my finishing/antiquing skills the other night and wanted to share the fruits of my labor. In case you're interested, I've explained how I achieved this look and have included a couple more pictures below:
This started out as a plain, unfinished wooden bookshelf that I purchased for cheap -- no door or little front panel - in fact you can see it in the background of one of the photos in my post, "New Lamp." Anyway, I had the idea to make it an antique cupboard the other night, so I took some scrap wood, cut the panel and glued that on, then cut the door and attached it with some hinges I had. I was sure to file, and "rasp" (with my X-acto knife) the edges, to make the cupboard appear uneven and somewhat hand-hewn. I also used a woodblock carving tool to cut in some gouges. I was impatient to get to the painting part, so I probably could've done a better job, but oh well. :) Oh -- and I also used steel wool and fine sandpaper on areas I thought needed a little smoothing out.
To paint -- I began with washes of acrylic craft paint in burnt sienna, black and highlighted areas with a very light yellow/cream color. Then I did some dry-brushing on of dark brown, black and burnt sienna. After that all dried - and warped the door, thank you -- I dampened the door again on both sides, weighted it down onto a flat surface (the corner of my drafting table, so that I could hang the cupboard off the edge, while the door stayed flat -- I wasn't about to take the door off!) overnight and it was perfectly straight! Then last night, after doing a little bit more buffing with steel wool, I brought in a fairly bright blue -- only dry-brushing, dabbing and such - adding in brown and black where I felt I needed it. Adding the blue over-top the other colors kept it looking more aged. In some places I layered more blue to brighten it up some, but if it got too bright, I covered with some dry-brushed brown. I then weighted the door again, just in case - and this morning I rubbed on some minwax clear finishing paste, buffed with a cloth and also some steel wool and voila! Here she is!

the knob is a wooden ship-building accessory
I picked up at a hobby shop |
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!